Why Liberals–and Conservatives–Should Read the Great Books

Three great books professors at Columbia University give ideological political reasons for studying the classics. David Randall at First Things says that although it is unfortunate that political progressives talk about the classics in ideological terms, it may be simply that these academics see such language as the best or only way to reach those on the political left: (more…)

For the Lack of a Comma: A Maine business learns the importance of basic grammar

If you ever need an example of the practical importance of grammar, you might try to remember the story of a dairy company in Portland, Maine. In this case, it is the absence of what is known as the “Oxford comma” that could end up costing the company a cool $10 million. Drivers for Oakhurst Dairy sought overtime pay for over four years’ worth of work, and whether they got it hinged on the lack Read more…

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