Classic Learning Test

Designed to be academically rigorous and to emphasize a love for what is Good, True, and Beautiful, the Classic Learning Test offers standardized assessments for grades 3-12. Students have online access to helpful sample tests and study aids, while teachers can equip themselves with detailed analytics to strengthen their classroom. CLT offers a 50% discount to CLSA member schools.


Thinkwave is a cloud-based student management software with teacher gradebooks, and student and parent access. It also provides custom report cards and transcripts that can be printed or delivered electronically. Thinkwave offers a 30% discount for all CLSA member schools. Contact us to learn more about school discounts.


Do you want classic, traditional school uniforms for your students? Highlands Uniforms offers high-quality uniforms for boys and girls, Jr. Kindergarten through 12th grade. From designing or revising dress codes, to providing competitive pricing, to creating a uniform webpage, Highlands Uniforms can help relieve stress from your families and administration while amplifying the culture of excellence in your school.

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