Philosophical requirements: Evidence of a clear understanding among staff and board members of the nature and purpose of a classical Christian education
Academic requirements: Verification that the school possesses a clearly articulated statement of the academic goals at every level and a clear process of ensuring the achievement of those goals
Instructional requirements: Traditional, teacher-directed instruction in a classroom environment conducive to learning and a process by which those methodologies are communicated to teachers and verified by administrative staff
Assessment requirements: Demonstration of the value-added benefit of the school’s academic program
Professionaldevelopment requirements: Participation in professional development programs that contribute to the understanding of classical Christian education and the ability of teachers and staff to implement it
Doctrinal requirements: A doctrinal statement consistent with that of CLSA
Membership requirements: Partner membership in CLSA
Benefits of CLSA Accreditation:
External validation of academic integrity
Professional development services providing on and off-site training for teachers, staff, and directors
Online student and teacher resources
Assistance in increasing online exposure for your school
Assistance with marketing your school in your community