Tech startup CEO tells why he isn’t looking for computer science majors

How many times have you been asked why you’re teaching so much Latin and literature in your school and so little computer science?

One response is to point out that the thinking skills you get from studying an inflected grammar and the interpersonal skills you learn from literature are far more useful. But here’s another perspective from a tech CEO, who says that tech education, even at some of our most prestigious schools, doesn’t make graduates any more attractive to him: (more…)

Grammar and the Fall of Education

 From the excellent Imaginative Conservative blog: “Dionysios Thrax, an ancient Greek grammarian, outlined the hierarchical structure of grammar from the least to the greatest. He began with prosody, followed by an understanding of literary devices, followed by considerations of phraseology enhanced by etymology. At the upper reaches of grammar we find analogy and metaphor, followed by the highest aspect of grammar: the art of exegesis.” (more…)

Why the liberal arts are worth preserving

by Martin Cothran

From the August 7th Wall Street Journal article, “The Suicide of the Liberal Arts,” by John Agresto: “To restore the liberal arts, those of us who teach should begin by thinking about students. Almost all of them have serious questions about major issues, and all of them are looking for answers. What is right? What is love? What do I owe others? What do others owe me?”


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