*photo by permission from Immaculata Classical Academy in Louisville, KY
Products of Memoria Press, these publications are a great starting point and ongoing encouragement for your school as you consider how to implement special needs services into your school.
Simply Classical Journal
This twice-annual catalog and magazine features the Simply Classical curriculum, as well as articles from our special needs advisor and classical education proponents. Order this free resource for your teachers and parents by emailing us at info@classicallatin.org, then subscribe below to receive each new edition.
Simply Classical Book
Written to encourage anyone engaged in classical Christian education for students with special needs, Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child is a must-read for anyone navigating special needs education. Receive a 20% discount by using the coupon code scbulk20 when ordering 10 or more copies for your faculty and administration!
Simply Classical Articles
There is no shortage of support for you as you figure out how to best serve the students in your school with special learning disabilities. Initially found in the Simply Classical Journal, we have compiled an archive of articles with guidance in utilizing the Simply Classical curriculum, helpful methods for teaching children with special needs, and more.
Essential Videos
Watch the videos below to hear the author of the Simply Classical curriculum, Cheryl Swope, as she helps to lay the groundwork for these materials and make classical education easily accessible to students of any ability.
Based on the excellent classical Christian education provided by Highlands Latin School, the Memoria Press Simply Classical curriculum has been adapted especially for students with significant special learning needs. These materials provide a well-crafted path for schools to walk with students through challenges ranging from mild to severe autism, learning difficulties, medical conditions, or intellectual disability.
Scope & Sequence
View what is taught in each package, with examples of the systematic approach that makes the instruction different from the regular curriculum.
Full Year Packages
Browse the curriculum packages that we offer. These can be purchased as sets or customized to best suit the needs of your school.
Popular Stand-Alone Titles
These titles are well-loved teaching resources, suitable for tutoring, remedial studies, additional classroom help, or summer programs.
Starting or Strengthening
Special Needs Programs
Curated by our learning disabilities specialist, these resources
are intended to support you in your endeavor to begin or grow
a special services program in your school.
Planning and Developing a Program
Listen to our special needs expert, Cheryl Swope, provide an overview
of using the Simply Classical curriculum, then review a sample framework to help you consider how to implement special needs services into your school.
Established Simply Classical Schools
These are pioneer schools modeling the use of the Simply Classical Curriculum to create an environment where children of all needs love to learn.
If you would like more information about these schools or would like your own school added to the list, please let us know!
- Highlands Latin School Northeast Wisconsin | Green Bay, Wisconsin
- JOY Academy | Wichita, Kansas
- Simply Providence | Rock Hill, South Carolina
- The Paracletus School | Houston, Texas
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