Our Lady of the Rosary School is a K-12 classical academy located in Greenville, SC, recently listed in Crisis Magazine as one of the Top 10 Cities to raise a Catholic family. Since adopting a classical curriculum in 2019, we have experienced rapid growth with enrollment now reaching capacity in most grades.
Our Lady of the Rosary seeks a joyful, intellectually motivated mathematics teacher to lead our students in the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and virtue. The position focuses on grades 6-9 mathematics, but teaching opportunities can be adapted to the skills and interests of the teacher. OLR teachers should possess competency not simply in their primary discipline but should model a life in pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty in all subjects. A bachelor’s degree is required, but teaching certification is optional. Applicants must be practicing Catholics who adhere to all magisterial teachings of the Church. Their lives should bear active and unmistakable witness to a deep love for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Salary commensurate with expertise and experience.
Interested candidates should submit and cover letter and resume to thomas.curtin@olrschool.net.

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